Christmas 2007

Christmas 2009
Poetry, fiction, essays, articles, songs, and visual art
I write from my home overlooking the Puget Sound in Seattle, Washington, mostly while in my pajamas. I haven't mastered the art of picking a medium and sticking with it, so I enjoy experimenting with many different forms, from novels to sonnets to magazine articles.
I welcome requests to reprint my work or commission new writing.
All work on this website
© 2011 Amanda L. Caldwell
Email mail@amandalcaldwell.com for reprint requests.
"Swim free from me / from this pool out into the / wild, wide ocean." These collected works span twenty years of Amanda Caldwell's poetry, from the tasks of school to the allures of nature, from the joy of married love to the grief of loss, from the first steps of parenthood to the rocky journey of faith. Arranged by season, the poems bring the reader full circle through a representative year of blessings, challenges, and transitions.
Buy my collection of poetry through CreateSpace or at Amazon.
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So cute!
Cute pictures! WOW he sure had grown. They grow up way too quickly!
Happy WW!
He's adorable Amanda. I was pleasantly surprised to see you live in Seattle. I'm in Tacoma. I don't have a view of the bay, but I can get to it in a few minutes. I love walking my dog on the Tacoma Waterfront.
Love that chunky monkey baby picture! What a sweet preschooler and I love his curly dark hair! Happy WW!
Too cute.....love seeing kids as they grow up. Thanks for sharing :-)
what an adorable baby!
Reading is Sexy
Love the thighs!
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