
Send my roots rain

tree beyond rain-dotted windowSwiss dotted icing
twisting into strands
as thick as rope
silken and catching the light

of three reflected lamps
giving the seedlings
a false sun
in this twilight

darkening the glass
that separates the shoots
from the rain
that would quench them.

{Inspired by Prompt 2 — "write a water poem" — from the April Poem-a-Day Challenge hosted by Robert Lee Brewer at Poetic Asides, and while looking at my seedlings basking under fluorescent lights in the window and contemplating that I would have to water them even though it was pouring outside. The title and deeper meaning are from this Gerard Manley Hopkins poem and relate to my Lenten challenge.}

Photo copyright Lies Meirlaen


PSA break: How to fill out your census

Courtesy of my mother, a little help with filling out your census this month:

Christopher Walken guest stars SNL census skit YouTube screenshot

Click image to open in a new window to play.

(It strikes me that I didn't properly attribute the Ellen clips to my mom, as well. She's an unending source of hilarity.)


Wordless Wednesday: Mailing a toddler

boy in box 1

boy in box 2

boy in box 3

boy in box 4

boy in box 5


Resurrection poetry

Make no mistake: if He rose at all
it was as His body;
if the cells' dissolution did not reverse, the molecules
          reknit, the amino acids rekindle,
the Church will fall.

Celtic cross at sunrise resurrection

Thank you to Rachel at Common Places for bringing me three Easter poems. Perfect inspiration as I seek to write my daily poetry this month, and to think about on this day of days in the faith.

I think John Updike's poem in particular speaks to what I'm thinking of today.

Let us not mock God with metaphor,
analogy, sidestepping transcendence;
making of the event a parable …

Yea for poetry, yea for deep thoughts, yea for Easter.

I forgot to be explicit about this, but since my forty days are over and I'm nowhere close to finished with my journey, I'm going to keep trucking.

And, now, on a different note: We've just eaten Chinese food and are going to watch Fame. I expect even more deep thoughts forthcoming...

Photo of a Celtic cross at sunrise copyright Craig Goodwin.


Poem-a-Day Challenge 2010 starts today!

Swimming in the Wild, Wide Ocean: Seasons of Verse: 1989-2009And, no, this is not an April Fool's Day joke.

Get your pencils (er, laptops, whatever) out and start scribing! You are a poet, my friend, and by the end of this month:

You will have 30 spanking-new poems!

The poetry book I published is heavily populated with PAD Challenge poems, so it's totally worth it to power through this National Poetry Month adventure!

Go to Poetic Asides by Robert Lee Brewer to find the very first prompt for this year's challenge: Write a lonely poem.

The complete guidelines are here. Basically, write the poems, and then select your top five to submit by May 5 for consideration as the top 50 of the month.

Get writing, and I'll see you at the finish line with all our lovely new poems! Yea!

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