
Wordless Wednesday: Tots room at PacSci

Little boy playing

Big boy playing


Small church, big church @ Catapult Magazine

Click over to Catapult Magazine to read my latest article: "Small church, big church: A search for just right."

I’ve had a see-sawing relationship with the size of our churches, with all the vertigo and shakiness that metaphor suggests.
I suspect small churches are withering, and that big churches are superficial. But if a medium church stays medium, then isn’t it stagnating?

Read the whole Bigger Is... issue here.


Wordless Wednesday: Growing like a tree

Christmas 2007

Christmas 2009


Loving as serving

Making a new batch of Muddy Buddies every time I run out,
       without judgment or query

Cleaning up our own muddy buddy
       without disdain or distaste

Hiding under a blanket
for hours
taking a 2-year-old
to the zoo

Fetching me a drink
from the fridge
a toothbrush
for the kid

Cleaning the place
for your mother-in-law
hanging up
my shirts

Knowing my love language
       even when I don't

And even though it's not your language,
       speaking it fluently.


Wordless Wednesday: Clouds are our friends

I've spent a long day getting soaked in the rain. I wanted to remember happier clouds.

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