
Poem-a-Day Challenge 2010 starts today!

Swimming in the Wild, Wide Ocean: Seasons of Verse: 1989-2009And, no, this is not an April Fool's Day joke.

Get your pencils (er, laptops, whatever) out and start scribing! You are a poet, my friend, and by the end of this month:

You will have 30 spanking-new poems!

The poetry book I published is heavily populated with PAD Challenge poems, so it's totally worth it to power through this National Poetry Month adventure!

Go to Poetic Asides by Robert Lee Brewer to find the very first prompt for this year's challenge: Write a lonely poem.

The complete guidelines are here. Basically, write the poems, and then select your top five to submit by May 5 for consideration as the top 50 of the month.

Get writing, and I'll see you at the finish line with all our lovely new poems! Yea!


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